Camdin Turns 3! | Fire Truck Party in the Pacific Palisades | Kids Event Photography Los Angeles

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What a perfectly gorgeous day this was! This park had an absolutely breathtaking view of the ocean below (you can catch a glimpse in the first family shot), California living at it’s finest. But most importantly…

…it was a fire truck party!! Just seeing Camdin’s face when the fire truck arrived made my day.

The kids piled on and off as it cruised around the neighborhood…except Camdin…he got on and refused to get off! Hah! He loved his birthday fire truck ride way too much, he wanted it to last forever. The party ended with each kid getting a turn to practice the art of putting out a fire, luckily they were all pretty on target and my camera survived :) Thanks for inviting me to document this amazing party Parisa, it was so much fun!

Until next time…

party on,

Shannon @remembermakers |